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肉鬆蛋糕卷 | Pork Floss Swiss Roll

Updated: Oct 27, 2020


English and Chinese recipes down below. 中英文食譜在下方。



5隻雞蛋 (約70g 一隻)

68g 低筋麵粉

68g 糖

小許 鹽

3g 生粉(玉米淀粉)

68g 涼水

50g 油

2-3 滴醋



½ 杯沙拉醬

蔥 (切成一粒粒)



蛋糕盤 28cm x 28cm



1. 首先將低筋麵粉篩2-3次備用。

2. 蛋黃和蛋清分開。


3. 用另一個盤子,放油加涼水拌勻,看像奶白色後分2次加入蛋黃拌勻。然後加入篩過的麵粉和鹽,拌勻到沒有乾粉。

4. 接下來,用打蛋器打蛋清,打至小泡沫出現後加入2-3滴醋,砂糖分三次加入蛋清內。第二次加糖的時候就把生粉(玉米淀粉)加進去。打發至提起有勾狀即可。

5. 蛋清分三次加入麵糊內翻拌手法拌勻。將蛋糊倒入剩餘的最後一次的蛋清內,用同樣手法混合均勻,再倒入已鋪好油紙的蛋糕盤內。然後放一點肉鬆,蔥和芝麻均勻的撒到蛋糕面上。

6. 然後放入已經預熱5分鐘的焗爐內。蛋糕放在烤架上。上下火180 °C 焗22分鐘。


7. 焗好的蛋糕從焗爐內取出。放至2-3分鐘後脫模。

8. 蛋糕完全冷卻後, 用另一張油紙幫助把蛋糕倒扣,取出原本的油紙。

9. 把沙拉醬塗上,然後再放肉鬆,捲起來(具體蛋糕卷法看視屏)。放入冰箱裡20 分鐘定型。

10. 從冰箱裡取出蛋糕然後切走頭尾修飾。蛋糕頭尾再塗上沙拉醬和肉鬆然後切成小件吃。

11. 完成!


Pork Floss Swiss Roll


5 eggs (approx. 70g each)

68g low gluten flour

68g sugar

(pinch) salt

3g corn starch

68g cold water

50g oil

2-3 drops vinegar

Cake Filling

Pork Floss

½ cup Mayonnaise

Spring onions (chopped)

Sesame seeds


Cake tin 28cm x 28cm



1. Sift the low gluten flour 2-3 times.

2. Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites.

Note: Make sure no egg yolks get into the egg whites and make sure the bowl used for the egg whites is clean and oil free.

3. Whisk the cold water and oil together until a milky white colour then add in the egg yolks bit by bit. Add in the sifted flours and salt and mix well until batter is smooth.

4. Using a hand-held mixer, beat the egg whites whilst slowly adding in the sugar. Once soft peaks have started to form, add 2-3 drops of vinegar and the corn starch, and continue to beat until stiff peaks.

5. Take a third of the egg whites and gently fold into the flour mixture. Repeat a second time. Once there is one third of the egg whites left, pour the flour mixture into the egg whites bowl and incorporate well. This is to ensure that the egg whites and have been thoroughly incorporated into the flour mixture. Pour into a baking paper lined cake tin. Sprinkle some spring onions, sesame seeds and pork floss evenly over the top (save some of the pork floss for the filling).

6. Place the cake tin on a baking rack into a preheated oven and bake at 180°C for 22 minutes.

Note: Cooking temperatures and times may need to be adjusted between different ovens. To check to see if the cake is ready or not, if the surface of the cake feels dry to the touch, the cake is ready and may be taken out to cool. If the cake surface is slightly wet to the touch, bake for another 1-2 minutes.

7. Once the cake has finished baking, take the cake out and cool on a cooling rack for 2-3 minutes before removing the cake tin.

8. Now that the cake has completely cooled, use another sheet of baking paper to help flip over the cake. Peel off the original baking paper from the cake.

9. Spread the mayonnaise on the cake then evenly distribute the pork floss. Roll up the cake (see video) and place into the fridge for 20 minutes to set.

10. After 20 minutes, take out the cake and slice off the ends to make the cake look neater. Spread some more mayonnaise on the ends of the cake and pat on some more pork floss onto the cake. Cut into small slices.

11. Serve!


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