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不失敗顏值高的養顏合桃糖 |Marshmallow Nougat

Updated: Oct 13, 2020


中英文食譜在下方。Chinese and English recipes down below.




140g 合桃

75g 紅棗 (大約 十四顆大紅棗)

70g 黑白芝麻(總共)

240g-300g 棉花糖





1. 用熱水拖拖合桃,停乾水用吸油紙吸乾水份。

2. 白鍋炒香備用。冷卻後變鬆脆。


3. 黑白芝麻白鍋炒香備用。


4. 紅棗去核切小塊備用。


提示: 棉花糖先放240g 。以自己的口味(甜道)再逐小加入剩餘的棉花糖。

1. 預熱鍋倒入棉花糖,小火融化。

2. 將合桃逐小加入已融化的棉花糖內拌勻,然後再逐小加入紅棗拌勻。


3. 最後,加入芝麻拌勻然後關火。

4. 倒入以用油紙鋪好的盤中整形。

5. 整形後,在棉花糖未完全冷卻時切成小塊。


提示: 隔日時食會更鬆脆。

6. 又可送禮又可養顏的合桃糖 ,食得啦!😋


Marshmallow Nougat


Marshmallow Nougat

140g walnuts

75g red dates (approx.14 big red dates)

70g black & white sesame seeds (total)

200g-300g marshmallows





1. Pour the walnuts into a pot of boiling water for 30 seconds then remove from pot and dry with paper towels.

2. Roast the dried walnuts in a clean pan on medium-low heat until they are golden and fragrant, stirring constantly so that they do not burn. Set aside.

Sesame seeds

3. Roast the black and white sesame seeds in a clean pan on medium-low heat until they are golden and fragrant, making sure to stir constantly so that they do not burn. Set aside.

Red dates

4. Remove the seeds of the red dates and cut into little pieces. Set aside.

Making the Nougat

Note: Use only 240g of marshmallow before adding more marshmallows to preferred taste (sweetness).

1. Pour the marshmallows into a preheated pan, and slightly melt the marshmallows using low heat.

2. Mix the walnuts into the partially melted marshmallows then mix in the red dates thoroughly.

Note: The longer the marshmallows are cooked, the harder the nougat will become.

3. Mix in the sesame seeds and turn off the heat.

4. Pour the nougat into a baking paper lined tray and form into desired shape.

5. Whilst the nougat is still warm, cut into bite sized pieces.

Note: If the weather is warm the nougat may appear to be softer. Place into the fridge until slightly hard to the touch before cutting.

Note: The Nougat will be softer and crunchier the next day.

6. Serve! 😋


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